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The Sky is the Start

Let's fly together...

Have you ever...

Wanted to be a part of a team? Highly motivated, ambitious individuals, working remotely from anywhere; your home, favorite cafe, or even from your swimming pool. A team that is solving a complex problem for millions of people, aligned with a powerful mission. You work, learn, grow and celebrate together.

That team is AladdinB2B.

Have you ever...

Imagined a career with the opportunity for growth? A company with the scope for advancement for those that wish to rise? Where loyalty and dedication will grant you shares in the company?

That opportunity is AladdinB2B.

Have you ever...

Dreamed to discover your full potential? Expand your knowledge base each day? Collaborate with brilliant minds to discuss new concepts that will shape the future?

That discovery is AladdinB2B.

Virtual Office

Can you visualize a team that doesn’t sit together everyday but works together?

A team that is a button away but miles away at the same time?

AladdinB2B has embraced telecommuting and is evidence of a successful virtual team that makes the new way of work and the ability to be virtually seamless. We want to be the leader of digital nomad that create a fat unicorn 


"To be the global leader of B2B trade technologies"

Our Mission

"Create highly qualified b2b meetings for everyone, everywhere, leading to transactions"

Aladdin On-ground Genies  

A Players - Aladdin Super Genies 

All companies want them -- but the question is, can they handle them?

Top-tier talents require a particular type of work environment. One that enables growth, stimulates creativity and offers a high scope of opportunity. 

To help select the right-pick candidates, part of our hiring process includes the '16personalities' test; A fun and useful resource that provides insights into individual workplace habits, motivators and strengths. 

Unlike traditional workplaces, we thrive off new ideas and welcome creativity with an open mind.

We admire pattern-breaking, through-provoking, risk-taking individuals.

We don’t want someone who will complete their assigned tasks and call it a day. We want high-achievers.

At a rapidly growing startup, time moves fast. Every new day is a unique opportunity, and at Aladdin, we wish to make each day magical.

Most Valuable Assets



If you say you will do something, you will deliver on time. You make wise decisions despite ambiguity. You identify the root of the problem and act upon the optimal solution.

You think strategically and can articulate what you will and won’t do. 



You believe in Aladdin and stick out the highs and lows.

You are strong-willed and refuse to back down to challenges or setbacks.

You are committed to Aladdin and fellow genies, demonstrating consistency, honesty and integrity.


High performance under high pressure

Sometimes we have short deadlines and we work long hours.

You go the extra mile. You have the ability to work under pressure, meet milestones. 


Growth Mindset

You have an optimistic mindset and a positive approach to life.

You are eager to learn and increase your knowledge. 



You think outside the box, conceptualize new, better ways to do things.

We are all about BIG ideas and executing them. You bring a fresh perspective and forward-thinking to the table. We dream big and turn ideas into reality.

We love brainstorming together with those that speak up and share their input.


Freedom with Responsibility

You are granted freedom and entrusted responsibility.

You are a motivated self-starter without the need for micromanagement.

You will fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to you and deliver.

We do not pay you for your time or hours, we pay you for what you do with the hours, be innovative, and use your time wisely.


Faith & Unity

You hold a firm belief in Aladdin’s Mission and Vision.

We are restless to digitize the world of B2B trade and we want to lead the way;

we do that when we are all strong and unified.

Add Value

The Dream Team

The team of genies is a family, and as such, provides support for one another. Considering they all live in different parts of the world, the genies find new ways to come together.

Virtual, face-to-face (or screen-to-screen) departmental meetings are held once a week, while the Genie Slack channel is always buzzing.

At the end of the month, the Aladdin family engages in the All Hands On meeting. This is a great way to connect with each other, review progress, and plan for the coming month; but before getting down to business, the meeting starts off with a game! This allows them to share laughs, get comfortable, and learn more about one another. Through a number of team-building practices, they are constantly pushing for unison as a collective unit.

Aladdin culture and team are built on a virtual existence. They won’t rub shoulders in the hallway and do not get to share Friday afternoon socials. They will however make sure that the culture is based on a shared experience and they are always looking for innovative ways to make the team come together.

"It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do."

-Steve Jobs

Aladdin Academy

All genies are enrolled in the Aladdin Academy. Here the genies learn new skills and training across a multitude of areas. From the latest discovery in AI to mindset training, the genies are learning new things to level up each day.

At Aladdin, we have a set of team-building and learning initiatives in place.

Aladdin Academy, Experience the power of Aladdin Academy, where learning meets freedom and opportunity. Our practical, tailored business education empowers you to learn what you desire from anywhere in the world. With just a laptop, internet connection, and a passion for learning, you can work and learn on your terms while being close to loved ones. At Aladdin Academy, everyone teaches and learns, fostering collaboration and growth. Our online certifications open global doors, with HR prioritizing certified individuals for career opportunities. Join us in our commitment to a culture of learning, sharing, and recognition, driving success for all! 🚀📚🌍

Aladdin Book Club
is a place of knowledge, ideas, and discussion. By sharing a new book each month, the genies engage in thought-provoking discussions, learn new things, and gain inspiration. They collectively vote on which book to read and discuss the content as they go. A big part of the culture is innovation, and reading gives us an outlet to brainstorm, come up with new ideas and concepts, and bring those ideas to life. They are more than a group of tech-savvy millennials; they strive for knowledge to become the very best they can.

Aladdin Knowledge Channel was created to equip the team with the latest tech tools available. By achieving an in-depth understanding of the various platforms they utilize for tasks, the genies can perform in full efficiency. The knowledge channel provides training material and video tutorials on a range of topics and systems. Learning the ins and outs of these functional tools effectively boosts the team’s confidence and understanding, leading them to face every task with an optimistic, “can do” mindset. Team leaders further add to the channel with tutorials on approaching different tasks, giving the team clarity in how to do it and what is expected of them. Aladdin team members have the opportunity to enhance their skill set by obtaining various certifications. This incentivizes learning with the opportunity for growth and potential promotions.

Aladdin Fitness Club is another great initiative that brings us together. As a remote team, we spend a large portion of our time working off our digital gadgets. We recognize the significance of health, both mental and physical, in a high-functioning team. The Aladdin Fitness Club increases our motivation, allowing us to share our fitness journeys. We hold fun contests with prizes, showcase our healthy smoothie recipes, and share silly gym selfies. We even have virtual group training sessions, with yoga and karate being favorable among the genies.

Level up

A day that goes by without learning something new is a day wasted.


Digital Tool Kit

When you think of a genie, you might picture a giant blue creature popping out of a magic lamp. AladdinB2B genies might not be blue, but they are tech-savvy.

As a remote tech company, we utilize various software to facilitate our day-to-operations. This includes time management tools, project management software, CRMS, and integrations. All genies must be adept in these various tech tools, and the knowledge channel has all the training to become a pro.

The company invests every month in equipping the team with hi-tech tools to streamline our operations and daily tasks. This enables the team to work smart.

Transparency builds trust

A strong corporation is built on trust and respect for the workers - not just a profit machine. We agree that all team members, regardless of position, should be consulted in company goals. Instead of traditional crisis management, we propose a balance of long and short-range planning, informed by data and enriched by regular conversations among colleagues.

We incorporated the objectives and key results (OKR) methodology into our management ideals. It is results-driven yet people-oriented. This system is a principle of management that gives full scope to individual strength and responsibility and at the same time provides a common direction of vision and effort, establishes teamwork, and harmonizes the goals of the individual with the company. The involvement of each team member deciding collectively on a course of action enables us all to follow through and be more engaged in the progress and, ultimately, the outcome.

History and Evolution of the OKR

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) is a management strategy for goal setting within organizations that aims to connect the company, team, and personal goals to measurable results while having all team members and leaders work together in one, unified direction.

Back in the 1950s, Peter Drucker, a professor, journalist, and historian, put forth a new management ideal that was results-driven, yet humanistic. He called it ‘Management by Objectives’. 

A corporation, he wrote, should be a community “built on trust and respect for the workers - not just a profit machine.” 

Further, he urged that subordinates should be consulted in company goals. Instead of traditional crisis management, he proposed a balance of long and short-range planning, informed by data and enriched by regular conversations among colleagues. 

Drucker aimed to map out a principle “of management that will give full scope to individual strength and responsibility and at the same time give common direction of vision and effort, establish teamwork and harmonize the goals of the individual with the commonweal.” 

He discerned a basic truth of human nature: When people help choose a course of action, they are more likely to see it through. In 1954, in his landmark book ‘The Practice of Management’, Drucker codified this principle as “management by objective and self-control.” It became Andy Grove’s foundation and the genesis of what we now call the OKR.

We strongly believe that all team members are linked in a unified mission. They have complete visibility in efforts to attain transparency and alignment. The company, departmental, and individual progress are evaluated at the end of each quarter, and we determine whether we achieved the objectives. This enables us all, from the CEO down, to be on the same page. 

At AladdinB2B, we value every team member as a great asset. Our CEO, Alaa, says that every team member brings unique skill sets to the table that collectively form a powerful engine. Each unique role is pivotal in moving the company forward, and we aim to develop best practices for our future.


What makes Aladdinb2b a unique place to work?


            Gina, Copywriter

"This is the first company that hasn’t made me fit into their box but considers my strengths and works to use those strengths to fit them.  AladdinB2B is truly an innovative startup that has picked all of the good things about other successful companies and utilizes these as assets to create an amazing company to be a part of."      


Nayfeh, Social Media Executive

"Aladdinb2b allows everyone to deliver a solution that truly fits the customer's needs. The feeling of doing good work and bringing value to the lives of others; a company as a whole is what I consider true 'success."     


Sergey, Senior.Net Developer

"Having a great CTO, great HR; team building, games, competitions, and group fitness sessions like yoga." 


How would you speak about us to a total stranger?

"Never thought that this would be possible, having quality time with my family while enjoying the luxury of working from home. This is the best opportunity especially for someone that is family-oriented especially during these tough times." Jill, Team Assistant


   Firyal, Senior Administrator

"This is a company that has the best teamwork. Employees are well taken care of and highly respected which best describes that the company values their employees as assets, not liabilities." Firyal, Senior Administrator


     Fazal, Graphic Designer 

"I started with Aladdin recently and I am impressed with the culture of the company. The collaboration is too strong even at this time when everyone is working from home. The company takes its goals very seriously.

You can even just quickly message the CEO to ask anything or discuss anything. 

This company process isn't like the traditional offices. Everyone's suggestions are appreciated. This develops a creative environment in which everyone is free to think and share their ideas, because they know that those will be valued."


What is your favorite part of your job?


Nayfeh, Social Media Executive

"Working from my home, I can make a cup of coffee, switch on my computer, and start work any time during my day. Also, I get to apply my passion, such as videography, and this makes me really happy." 


    Firyal, Senior Administrator

"My favourite thing about my job is the opportunity to work alongside my colleagues. They are always super motivated and inspire me daily." Firyal, Senior Administrator


        Earl, Web Developer

"Working with talented and good-looking people in different countries. Having games and finding ways to make the team happy." 

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“Freedom, working from home, no centralized decision-making process, ability to grow and be promoted, ability to become a shareholder of the business. A flexible startup, amazing vision, and big industry, about to take off to become a future market leader in the next 5-7 years.

The sky's the start.

Alaa Ismail, Founder & CEO

“AladdinB2B is for someone that wants to grow, not only with the company but on a personal level as well. Being a part of a fast-paced startup that is growing exponentially is a thrill. Innovative in every way, and there’s no micromanagement or traditional supervision. There is trust and accountability, which is reciprocated with mutual respect. It motivates you to be the best. This company values each team member and it reflects in the inclusive decision-making system. You learn each day while being a part of something great.”

Aaisha, Sales Account Manager

After spending 12 years working for a corporate organization and 13 hours of work today… What will be written after that is coming from the heart. Working with Aladdinb2b is the place to be. My favorite part of the job is to meet young, talented, and loyal spirits that want to change the world and transform business interaction in today’s digital age. While our genies are working towards this goal, Aladdinb2b is an outlet for growth and opportunity. Long and hard-working hours can be truly rewarding.

Tiphaine, Chief People Officer

“I was always looking for a place I was comfortable with that fits my thinking and dreams. The most important experience here in Aladdin is that we are all learning, we learn from each other and teach each other. That’s how we grow and succeed together.

Everyone in Aladdin is taking ownership of the work and the responsibility to succeed and to become bigger, this is a place where the company's success and your success are the same. If you have any creative ideas or you have the willingness to participate in building something new, smart, and challenging, Aladdin will be the best fit. My most favorite part is when we have a new requirement that we think is smart and creative and it could be a key factor in the success.”

Anas, Co-Founder and CTO

We’re here with a purpose.

Come along for this magic carpet ride!

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